GIACOMO LEOPARDI poem TO THE MOON italian poetry English text




Giacomo Leopardi

To the Moon

(Alla luna)


(canto XIV)


Italian classical literature

Text translated into English




Short introduction to poetry and to “canti”

The poem “To the moon” (ita: Alla luna) is one of the lyric poems by Giacomo Leopardi, composed in Recanati in 1820.

The “canti” by Giacomo Leopardi contain thirty-four lyrics composed by the poet between 1817 and 1836. The “Canti”, are considered the masterpiece of Giacomo Leopardi.

Among the poems by Giacomo Leopardi included in the “Canti” we remember:

The calm after the storm (ita: La quiete dopo la tempesta) which you can find on “yeyebook”, by clicking here.
“Night-time chant of a wandering Asian sheep-herder” (ita: il Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell’Asia), “The Lonely Sparrow” (ita: Il passero solitario),
To the moon (ita: Alla luna) proposed here,
“To Silvia” (ita: A Silvia),
“Saturday in the village” (ita: Il sabato del villaggio),
“The Broom” (ita: La ginestra),
The infinity (ita: L’infinito), one of the most representative poems of Leopardian poetry, which you can find on yeyebook, by clicking here.

Below you can find the video reading (audiobook) of the poem “To the moon” (ita: Alla luna) by Giacomo Leopardi.

“To the moon” (Alla luna) Original text in Italian > here

Giacomo Leopardi All the works > here

Good reading and good listening.




Giacomo Leopardi

Alla luna

(To the moon)


(canto XIV)


Text translated into English




O lovely moon,

how well do I recall

The time,-’tis just a year-when up this hill

I came, in my distress, to gaze at thee:


And thou suspended wast o’er yonder grove,

As now thou art,

which thou with light dost fill.


But stained with mist, and tremulous, appeared

Thy countenance to me, because my eyes

Were filled with tears, that could not be suppressed;

For, oh, my life was wretched, wearisome,

And is so still, unchanged, belovèd moon!



And yet this recollection pleases me,

This computation of my sorrow’s age.


How pleasant is it,

in the days of youth,

When hope a long career before it hath,


And memories are few, upon the past

To dwell, though sad,

and though the sadness last!



Giacomo Leopardi – To the Moon

ita: Alla luna (canto XIV)

Italian classical literature

Text translated into English



“To the moon” (Alla luna) Original text in Italian > here



Giacomo Leopardi All the works > here




Video Audiobook

Giacomo Leopardi – To The Moon


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