Charles Baudelaire
The balcony

( In French: Le balcon )


Poem from book:

Baudelaire – The flowers of evil


French literature – poetry

Full text translated into English


Below the text of the poem by Charles Baudelaire: “The balcony” translated into English.

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Charles Baudelaire

The balcony


French poetry

Full text translated into English


Mother of memories,

mistress of mistresses,

O you, all my pleasures! O you, all my obligations!

You recall to me the beauty of caresses,

The sweetness of home and evening fascinations


Mother of memories,

mistress of mistresses!


When nights were lit with the glow of coals

And, on the balcony, were rose scented evenings,

How soft to me your breast! How good to me your heart!

We have often said unforgettable things

When nights were lit with the glow of coals.


How beautiful were suns in the warmth of evening!

How deep is space!

How strongly the heart was beating.


Queen of adorations, when towards you I was leaning,

And it was your perfumed blood that I was breathing,

How beautiful were suns in the warmth of evening!


The night would be drawing its curtain

With my eyes in darkness sensing yours

And I drank your breath. What sweetness, what poison!

And, as your feet then slept in my hands’ amours,

The night would be drawing its curtain.


I can evoke the happy moments passed so sweetly

When I relive the past that I spent in such delight,

For, where can one find those languorous beauties

Elsewhere than in your soul or your sweet heart?

I can evoke the happy moments passed so sweetly.


Those vows, those perfumes,

those infinite kisses


Will they be born again from a gulf we may not sound

Like the suns that mount renewed to heaven

And are, when bathed in the depths of the sea, unbound?


Oh vows, Oh perfumes,

Oh infinite kisses!



Charles Baudelaire – The balcony

In original French: Le balcon

From book: The flowers of evil

French poetry, Full Text translated into English


C. Baudelaire Le balcon original text in French > here



Charles Baudelaire All poems > here



Charles Baudelaire Bibliography > here


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