ARTHUR RIMBAUD anti-War poem EVIL – LE MAL full English TEXT


Rimbaud – Anti War poems

Arthur Rimbaud

(French original: Le Mal )


Full text, translation into English

French literature


” Le Mal ” (in english: Evil) is a poem anti-war by Arthur Rimbaud, written in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War.

“It is a powerful and sharp poem that penetrates and pierces the soul with its wealth of metaphors. It is a poem in which Arthur Rimbaud denounces the horrors and absurdity of war at all levels, showing us how the pain and suffering caused by violence have a universal, unjust, and disarming face, and unfortunately, more relevant than ever.

Michael Serye


Below you can read Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ” Evil ” with English translation.

You can read the original text in French of the poem ” Evil ” ( Fr: Le mal ) on yeyebook by clicking here.

In the top or side menu you can read the full text poem ” Evil ” (in French: Le mal) translated into other languages: Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, etc.

Good reading and no war!


Arthur Rimbaud All poems > here


Arthur Rimbaud



Anti War poems

Full text translated into English


While loud the red-flecked mouths of cannons sing

And grapeshot whistles under empty sky;

While, red and green, before each preening King,

The massed battalions break, and thousands die;


While flowers bloom and sweet grass grows again,

In splendid sunshine, under summer heat,

And madness grinds a hundred thousand men

Into a steaming pile of rotting meat;


A God smiles down through incense-laden air

At chalices and altars, gold, ornate,

And slowly dozes off to mumbled prayer;


But wakes when black-clad mothers, bowed with grief

And weeping, clink into His silver plate

The few coins in a knotted handkerchief.



Arthur Rimbaud – Poem Evil

French original: Le mal

Anti War poems

Full text translated into english

French literature


Original text in French Le mal > here



Arthur Rimbaud All poems > here




Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud was one of the most extraordinary poets in the history of French literature, is considered a representative of symbolism, and is even labeled as “the first punk poet” and “pioneer of the beat”.

The works by ArthurRimbaud have a profound impact on surrealism and the novels of the stream of consciousness, but really is difficult to classify, because he is the father of many schools and of any genre.


Arthur Rimbaud Short biography > here


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