

Jacques Prévert







Remember Barbara
It was raining ceaselessly on Brest that day
And you were walking smiling
Beaming delighted dripping
Under the rain

Remember Barbara
It was raining ceaselessly on Brest
And I passed you in the rue de Siam
You were smiling
And me I was smiling the same smile


Remember Barbara
You who I didn’t know
You who didn’t know me


Remember that day anyway
Don’t forget
A man was taking shelter under an overhang
And he yelled your name
And you ran to him under the rain
Dripping delighted beaming
And you threw yourself in his arms


Remember that Barbara
And don’t be mad if I speak to you familiarly
I speak familiarly to everyone I love
Even if I’ve only seen them once
I speak familiarly to everyone in love
Even if I don’t know them


Remember Barbara
Don’t forget
This sweet and happy rain
On your happy face
On this happy city


This rain on the sea
On the naval arsenal
On the battleship
Oh Barbara
War is such stupidity
What’s become of you now
Under this rain of iron
Of fire of steel of blood
And the one who took you in his arms
Is he dead disappeared or yet still living


Oh Barbara
It’s raining ceaselessly on Brest
Like it rained before


But it’s no longer the same and everything’s ruined


It’s a rain of mourning terrible and desolate
There is no longer a storm
Of iron of steel of blood
There are only some clouds
Who die like dogs

Dogs who disappear

In the wind over Brest
And go to rot far away
Far away very far from Brest
Of which nothing remains.



Jacques Prévert – Paroles – Barbara




Jacques Prévert



Jacques Prévert (4 February 1900 – 11 April 1977) was a French poet and screenwriter. His poems became and remain popular in the French-speaking world, particularly in schools. His best-regarded films formed part of the poetic realist movement, and include Les Enfants du Paradis (1945).




These include compilations of his poetry but also collaborations with Marc Chagall and Humanist photographers on patriotic and poignant albums of imagery of post-war Paris.


Paroles (1946)
Le Petit Lion, illustrated by Ylla (1947, reprinted 1984)
Contes pour enfants pas sages (Tales for naughty children) (1947)
Des Bêtes, illustrated by Ylla (1950, reprinted 1984)
Spectacle (1951)
Grand bal du printemps, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (1951)
Lettre des îles Baladar (Letter from the Baladar Islands) (1952)
Tour de chant (1953)
La pluie et le beau temps (Rain and sunshine) (1955)
Histoires (1963) (Stories)
Les Halles: L’Album du Coeur de Paris, with photographs by Romain Urhausen (Editions des Deux Mondes, 1963)
Le Cirque d’Izis, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas and original artwork by Marc Chagall (André Sauret, 1965)
JON WAY (1966)
Charmes de Londres, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (Editions de Monza, 1999)





Jacques Prévert wrote the scenarios and sometimes the dialogue in the following films:


Ciboulette (1933)
Le Crime de monsieur Lange (1935)
27 Rue de la Paix (1936)
Moutonnet (1936)
Drôle de drame (1937)
Quai des brumes (1938)
Les Disparus de Saint-Agil (1938) (fr)
Le Jour se lève (1939)
The Mysterious Mr. Davis (1939)
Remorques (1941)
Les Visiteurs du soir (1942)
Goodbye Leonard (1943)
Les Enfants du paradis (1945)
Les Portes de la nuit (1945)
The Bellman (1945)
Le Petit Soldat (The Little Soldier) (short animated film, 1947), with Paul Grimault, after The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen
The Lovers of Verona (1949)
La Bergère et le ramoneur (The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep) (animated film, 1953), with Paul Grimault after tale by Hans Christian Andersen, later revised and finished as Le Roi et l’oiseau
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1956)
Le Petit Claus et le Grand Claus (fr), by Pierre Prévert, after the tale Little Claus and Big Claus by Hans Christian Andersen (live action and animation, 1964)
Le diamant (The diamond) (short animated film, 1970), with Paul Grimault, complement to L’Aveu of Costa-Gavras
Le Chien mélomane (The Music-Loving Dog) (short animated film, 1973), with Paul Grimault
Le Roi et l’oiseau (animated film, 1980), with Paul Grimault

(from: wikipedia)



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